Marylebone Tower

Project Overview

This contract was carried for JC Decaux the French advertising giant. The general scope of works was the replacement of the advertising screen, a new electrical installation and new mechanical ventilation inside the tower structure.

This was an extremely challenging project as it was time sensitive due to the lost advertising revenue as the tower was out of action during the project, therefore the project was prioritised and materials were procured as quickly as possible as not to hamper the timeline. The project was delivered on time.

The tower itself was a twenty one metre high steel structure with several levels accessed via a vertical steel ladder inside the structure, making access difficult from start to finish. SCV electrical staff undertook specialist training and used specialist fall arrest equipment to ensure the safety of all to undertake the project.

Another challenge with the project was the tower structure was a tubular steel frame and was the principal fixing surface for all steel containment and switchgear.

We were not permitted to drill the steelwork therefore we devised a solution to secure everything using specialist stainless steel U-bolts without compromising the strength of the structure itself.

The general outcome of the project is that the client now has an extremely robust electrical installation that will serve the tower for years, ensuring the digital adverts are always running, keeping them in business with their clients.

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